
Thommy had an NDE as a 12 year old after of a long period of secretive and intensive bullying in which he was even beaten up . When he was wounded in bed, confused and very sad he had his NDE: he was in the Light, saw Christ and his grandfather who had passed away. Thommy, who has a serious form of autism, also had sleeping problems and was so depressed that he didn’t know how to continue with his life.

In reference to the ‘Baby-look’ I have chosen to look at two after-effects of this NDE.

  1. Problems with time. Thommy forgets the time, he doesn’t find it important, he has different bio-rhythm which leads to sleeping problems.
  2. Problems with the sense of balance and perception of pain, eating disorders, the feeling of being sick without a real explanation and finding food not important.

Thommy didn’t want to live anymore as he had lost all sense of normal life and bodily sensations. He  wanted to be with Christ but it seems that God had other plans for him, one being for him to regain his self-confidence again and building up a new life.

By regaining his confidence with his body once again and with the love of God he found a way to express himself through music and creativity. He started to make beautiful music and with divine help and that of some friends his confidence grew and the quality of his life improved so much that he managed to become a DJ.

Illustrations and photography: Arnold van der Heijden