The vulnerability of mankind becomes apparent when someone has an NDE, is very ill or has almost died: they are as vulnerable as a new born baby.
A NDE is not an illness but a changed state of mind as you have passed beyond the borders of your physical body.
People who have had a NDE often describe this as being “re-born”. Just like when you were born, you crossed over a border into a new physical form and state of mind.
The “Baby-look” has developed from Mindfullness based cognitive therapy. Mindfullness has become a positive and friendly term referring to understanding each other and the different forms that life can take on. It’s goal is to understand the core of the experiences and to integrate this in to your life. Someone who has had a NDE has, due to this experience, entered a different state of mind.
This expansion of consciousness is as a baby perceives the world: in a vulnerable, open attitude in the here and now. At death your physical heart stops beating, but some survive and their heart and that of that of the child within beats on. You are alive and share experiences. Mindfullness is this state of mind and way of living accordingly.
The “Babylook” and a NDE are not clinical illnesses."
- Sabine van den Bulk -
Why is a NDE not an illness?
The consciousness of a newly-born infant develops alongside the growth and development of the body. When someone has experienced an NDE with expanded consciousness they have a new state of mind and just like a baby, they need to integrate this into their lives.
The protocol in the “Handbook Baby-look” describes all the symptoms and characteristics of a NDE. It also describes therapeutic treatment offered for the after-effects of a NDE, which is also applicable in other trauma’s about life and death.
The most important after-effects of a NDE:
1. Not understanding their own emotions as this is an experience like no other. A NDE goes beyond everyday ‘normal’ emotions. The most extreme emotions are felt just before and after a NDE. A negative NDE can leave a person extremely emotional and a positive NDE can give a person a complete sense of peace.
Experiencing emotions can become scary as they can be intense; emotions can also irritate and bodily sensations can be confusing as they trigger new emotions. This can result in others seeing this as a behavioural disorder.
2. Being spiritually very actively or denying this. Usually though having a great interest in spirituality.
3. Problems with time. Forgetting the time, not finding it important, having a different bio-rhythm which leads to sleeping problems.
4. Problems with the sense of balance and perception of pain, eating disorders, the feeling of being sick without a real explanation and finding food not important. Often a feeling of having no control over you your body which you perceive as being is heavier than gravity.
5. Problems with communication: people who have had a Near death experience seems to perceive the world differently. Because they are highly sensitive they experience new insights to life as their visual and psycho motoric stimuli are more intense than others.
6. Problems with sleeping: dreams, including predictive and dreaming with insights from other dimensions
7. The need to have periods of being alone, looking for peace and quiet, usually in nature and without clearly communicating this to others.
8. The need to philosophize with others about the meaning of life, about that what doesn’t die, and about a kind of home sickness for the afterlife. He has developed a whole philosophy to explain his experience in order not to be considered mad or misunderstood.
9. People who have had this kind of experience are sensitive to light and electricity. They often have an effect on electrical devices such as computers, printers, lamps and TV ‘s that will turn off, or on or act in an erratic way. They also feel uncomfortable with all kinds of bright light.
10. They also have a strong sense of the truth and can easily be misunderstood or teased by others. ( e.g at work, in health care or with family friends or partner) This can result in them feeling rejected by others and sometimes feeling lonely. This can even make them ill.
Based on the stories of the participants of my 7 year research, who have all had a BDE, I have been able to describe the after-effects of a NDE and link this to the “Baby-look”.
BDE testimonials of 7 other clients from the ‘bablook’ point of view
I’ve done some guided research regarding the ‘Babylook’ NDE with 7 clients regarding their own quality of life.
Read their touching stories, expressed in text, pictures, audio and video.